Discipline Policy
University Academy has the authority to control student conduct that is prejudicial to good order and discipline in the schools as provided by state law. School officials are authorized to hold students accountable for misconduct in school, on school property, during school-sponsored activities and for conduct away from school or in non-school activities that affect school discipline.
Students forfeit their right to a public education by engaging in conduct prohibited by School policy. Disciplinary consequences include, but are not limited to, withdrawal of school privileges (athletics, intramurals, student clubs and activities, and school social events); removal for up to ten (10) school days by the principal; and long-term suspension or expulsion from school by the Board.
The Student Discipline policies are part of the University Academy Parent/Student Handbook. View the University Academy
Parent/Student Handbook and scroll through the Table of Contents to click and view the Discipline section.
Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook or contact your child's school for more information on the University Academy Discipline Policy.